Day 149 of 188

This season of Remembrance has been characterized more by forgetfulness for me! Do you think I could remember to put that poppy on before I left the house? We would rush out the door to every appointment, every outing, only for me to realize when we arrived at our destination that I had forgotten to wear it!

Finally, I made a note on my daily to-do list that I look at every morning, hoping that would remind me. Nope. I set my poppy by my jewellery box, hoping that I’d remember to grab it when I put my earrings on. Nope.

What kind of military wife am I? My husband has spent the last five months on a warship, and I can’t don a simple pin? Perhaps that’s why I’m struggling so much this year though. My mind is stretched with single-parenting and extra responsibilities, and my memory is maxed.

But today — on this day the poppy points to — I will remember. I am remembering! I might forget a symbol…but I will not forget the sacrifice and service of so many brave souls…including the one I love and respect most.

Photo courtesy of Aviator Gregory Cole

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